The Marriage Playground, 2023
motion design, interactive design, video editing, programming
I have witnessed many marriages around me end for different reasons. Even if some of them start a new life after ending the marriage, the emotional damage to themselves and their families during the period of time before divorce is immeasurable. Many Chinese parents are reluctant to divorce because of their children's upbringing, but in fact, prolonged arguments, fights, and even violent behavior not only have many negative effects on themselves but also have a significant impact on the mental health of their children.

According to statistics in China, the marriage rate has declined in recent years, while the divorce rate continues to rise. Gen-Z is reaching marriageable age, but most of them are hesitant to "marry." The younger generation attaches more importance to self-seeking based on their individualistic values, and they live for themselves. A stronger sense of independence makes them realize that they will not accept and choose marriage if it does not improve their quality of life or even affect the realization of their personal values. At the same time, detailed data shows that women's willingness to marry is significantly lower than men's. reflecting that younger groups of females are more clearly cognizant of marriage. In most heterosexual marriages, women have to sacrifice much more than men, so they have a more critical attitude toward marriage. The widespread use of the Internet and the spread of information has also exposed Gen-Z to more negative news about marriage, leading some people to develop a "fear of marriage" attitude. Also, there are many examples of failed marriages around them. With divorce becoming commonplace, many couples are no longer willing to compromise because of social and family constraints after an irreconcilable conflict, and they are decisively choosing to divorce.

It seems that divorce has become an inevitable end for some marriages; therefore, if the younger generation wants to avoid possible bad consequences in the future, they need to think soberly in the present. In my view, we have the right to be informed of the negative impact of marriage and divorce on us before we choose to get married. However, today's mainstream media in China tout the beauty of marriage and childbirth, ignoring, even hiding, their cruel facts. This has led some young men and women to enter into marriage without thinking it through. I wanted to use this project to make people aware of the higher-than-imaginable difficulties and costs of divorce and to alert the younger generation who will be entering into a marriage that they should think more thoroughly about their choices before deciding.


据统计,近年来中国的结婚率有所下降,而离婚率却持续上升。Z世代已步入适婚年龄,但大多数人对结婚这一决定犹豫不决。基于个人的价值观,年轻一代更加注重自我追求,他们为自己而活。较强的独立意识使他们意识到,如果婚姻不能提高自己的生活质量,甚至影响个人价值的实现,他们是不会接受和选择婚姻的。同时,详细数据显示,女性的结婚意愿明显低于男性,这反映出年轻女性群体对婚姻的认知更加清晰。在大多数异性婚姻中,女性要比男性做出更多的牺牲,因此她们对婚姻的态度更加挑剔。互联网的广泛使用和信息的传播也让 Z 世代接触到了更多关于婚姻的负面消息,导致一些人产生了 "恐婚 "的态度。此外,他们身边也有很多婚姻失败的例子。随着离婚成为普遍现象,很多夫妻在矛盾不可调和后,由于社会和家庭的制约,不再愿意妥协,果断选择离婚。
